Political Voice

Juicy Campus is sexist November 6, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — veneziaduomo @ 2:31 am

My main observation from spending a good amount of time researching juicycampus.com and bishopsear is that juicycampus.com is sexist. The main use is for guys to either talk about girls and rag on eachother. The few discussions that were geared to girls seemed like copy-cats of the mens’ discussions. Why would this be? Juicycampus.com was set without any rules about what kind of discussions could take place. A natural use for the HWS campus is to have it lead my men. As in oursocial lives, that are suppose to be geared towards frats. On juicycampus.com the men of HWS have chosen to talk about girls as sluts or how another man is a pussy (excuse my language). The discussions that are geared towards girls don’t take a personal, hurtful turn. Instead they tend to be more positive, although still degrading because there is a lot of discussion of physique, but very little discussion about there conversational skills. An interesting experiment would be to see if the HWS campus would even reply when triggered with discussion conversations such as “William Smith girl with the biggest brain” or “Hobart students that treat girls respectfully.” I don’t think HWS is ready to move past the surface and move into respectful conversations about the opposite sex.


3 Responses to “Juicy Campus is sexist”

  1. adrienne Says:

    since juicy campus came up in class, i now find myself reading juicy campus more than i would like. That’s an interesting view about juicy campus as sexist…it does seem like a lot of men are the ones leaving the comments, which i find funny because it’s a gossip page and typically girls are the ones leading those discussions. haha. With all the comments about dipping i keep going back to the idea of trolling. It’s slightly amusing how a comment about dip usually is intertwined with a reply. If juicy campus wasn’t used to bash people but instead just a site to mess around on and leave funny comments i wonder if its popularity would decrease…?


  2. Brandon Says:

    The idea of sexism is very important. Juicy campus is an atmosphere dominated by men. I like your idea of trying to submit comments that compliment people in a good light. Something that the chaplain’s email was trying to discuss. It appears that other schools are using juicy campus for this purpose instead of making fun of people. What would be the best way to propose something like this?

  3. Yo Says:

    I completely disagree. Apparently we are looking at different websites. I can’t effectively discern how you came to the conclusion that mostly men are writing. First off, you just don’t know, you pretending to through an apparent logical analysis of what men sound like. Second, I’ve read tons of posts that I would say most likely come from women, and they are just as vicious and are in the midst of the other conversations. Also, women may pretend to be a guy when they right for one reason or another. If you really want to get into social theory, as you said males dominate, I would say females are more likely to gossip. I know that sounds sexist but I just don’t think it is. I have 2 sisters and a lot of friends that are girls and its pretty much unbelievable how much time they all spend talking about other people and various happenings, usually involving insulting remarks at one point or another. So taking that social theory into consideration, girls are the more prevelant juicy campusers. Please stop saying it is dominated by men because, and I can’t stress that enougn, you are making it up. I don’t care if its a ‘really good guess’, its still a guess, and as such, you should regard it as one in your post instead of putting forth an inference as a law.

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